
Saturday, May 17, 2014

SSC75 Top Picks!

Welcome back to Sunday Stamps.. Sorry we are running a bit behind with our Top Picks. This past week was another great turnout for our Challenge.. You Ladies Rocked those colors! A Big Thank You to everyone who played along with us. Let's see who our Top Picks are:

Joan's Pick:

I love how Harriet used the colours splashed behind the butterfly image.  Lots of pop on a clean and simple design.  Great work, Harriet.

Marie's Pick:

This little owl is just so cute!  The details on this little owl are fascinating.  Notice the delicate feathers on the horizontal stripe.  Congratulations, Bev, on being a Sunday Stamps Top Pick by creating a card that really makes me smile.

Hayley's Pick:
Sarah Stone

I love the silhouette image that Sarah used layered over patterned paper and doily. The banners create a nice frame for the tilted image.  Great job, Sarah--don't forget to grab your Sunday Stamps Top Pick badge from the sidebar.

Congratulations Ladies!!! We will see you all back here in a just a few hours with a new Sketch Challenge!


  1. Thank you so much for a top pick honor! I appreciate it! I'm looking forward to the next challenge.

  2. Thank You Marie, and your Lovely Ladies on the DT, for choosing my card for your Top Picks, and congrats to Harriet and Sarah as well, who made fab cards.

    I'm glad I found your challenge and will join in when ever I can

    Bev x
